Saturday 7 September 2013

Friday and Saturday

Still a busy time with my PhD, working weekends and evenings to get a project done making it harder to post every day.


Rest Day! Had to find a way to roll out of bed after Lucy's leg smash and realised walking was as much as I was up to.

 Meal One- energy bar
 Meal Two- Chicken, sweet potato, tangerine, pumpkin seeds
 Meal Three- left over turkey chilli 
 Snack One- Dark Chocolate 
 Snack Two- Vanilla cookie

Saturday Death Wish

Workout: Fat Blast (45 mins) and Yoga (60 mins) 

 Meal One- skip
 Meal Two- chicken and mayo
 Meal Three- left over tacos
 Snack One- Apple
 Snack Two- Vanilla cookie
Reflections: Looking at the week I didn't realise how much I let junk food slide into my snacks, even if I am baking with wholemeal flour and soya spread doesn't mean its any better. Today's workout was absolutely killer lots of weighted lunges, kettlebells (bruises forming now), press ups, dips, crawling on the floor, all around craziness! Was seriously beat up for yoga afterwords, I was shaking and it hurt to hold anything. I'm starting to think though based on certain class elements I could really enjoy cross fit. 

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